Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hi There,

This is my first post. The wind is howling here in the mountains and bringing with it a serious warm front turning my driveway and neighborhood into an iceskating rink for vehicles. Sure hope the power doesn't go out! The last time it went out we were without power for 2 days. That experience reminded me of what life is like without electricity and those inconsequential items that become invaluable in your time of need. Candles and oil lamps make life sooo sweet.

I like to live simple and practical yet I also have become accustomed to modern conveniences except when there is no power than life becomes a series of challenges to overcome. I like having a fully stocked kitchen with organic and local (when available) food. I choose to have wild game, fish, and/or free range meat only. However, I lean more towards veggies. I grow a garden every year from seed and this year experimented with moving my garden indoors for the winter. (still have some bugs to work out with it !!!)

I hope one day to live in a community that is built using permaculture principles. Permaculture design makes perfect sense to me. Care for the earth, care for the people, return excess back to the system. Learning nature's operating systems and how they work together to design human settlements makes good sense to me.

Just wondering if this makes sense to anyone else?